The Collection by Subject
The Frank L. McGuire Maritime Library's collection of postcards has been developed with an emphasis on maritime subjects relating to New London and Groton in the early 20th century. Neighboring shoreline communities are covered as well, such as Stonington and Noank, Connecticut, and communities between New London and the Connecticut River. The cards date primarily from 1900 to the 1950s.
Scenes include the Thames River and Harbor, steamboats and other large vessels, the Yale-Harvard Regatta, New London Harbor Light and other area lighthouses, recreational sailing, Ocean Beach Park, and historic buildings on or near the New London waterfront, from Union Railroad Station and the Custom House to Fort Trumbull. Groton scenes include the Griswold Hotel, Fort Griswold and the monument to the Battle of Groton Heights, the Groton-New London Ferry, and the bridges linking New London and Groton.
In addition to the digitized postcards seen here, several hundred American and foreign lighthouse and lightship postcards may be viewed in the Library on Thursday afternoons or by appointment. These cards are the gift of maritime historian Norman Brouwer, and complement the Library's collection of over 300 pictorial and historical books on lighthouses and lightships.
The work of Gretchen Van der Lyke in preparing this exhibit is gratefully acknowledged.
Each card may be enlarged by clicking on it in a two-step sequence.